General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 972-210-2638
Address:2650 Valley View Ln building 2 suite 100 Dallas, TX 75234




Business Summary
Owner name Mike Goolsby Business Email [email protected] About US Mike Goolsby is a criminal defense serving the greater Dallas, Texas area. His goal is always to get your case dismissed. He is a former Assistant District Attorney and served as a chief prosecutor with the District Attorneys office, so he knows the system. Mike has been practicing law since 1994 as a prosecutor and now a defense attorney, so he has an understanding of the Texas state and federal court systems that most lawyers only dream of. He works aggressively for his clients in negotiations and trials to get the best outcome for every client he represents. Mike believes everyone deserves an experienced attorney to protect his clients’ constitutional rights. Call us for all criminal or immigration issues.
Business Keywords
Criminal Attorney | Criminal Lawyer | Drug Possession Attorney | DUI Attorney | Assult Attorney
General Information
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Website Rank
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