General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 716-852-7590
Address:2495 Main St, #442, Buffalo, NY 14214, USA




Business Summary
Stephens & Stephens is a Buffalo based law firm representing nuclear workers across the United States, as well as manufacturers and other businesses in environmental litigation. Since 2001, the firm's focus has been on the unique practice areas of EEOICPA and RECA compensation. Our New York energy workers compensation attorneys provide EEOICPA claims assistance for those seeking compensation. We also assist in RECA claims assistance. Stephens & Stephens has proven its ability to successfully defend and prosecute litigation on behalf of potentially responsible party (PRP) groups through its representation of Fortune 500 corporations in connection with contaminated sites in Western, Central, and Northern New York State as well as New Jersey.
Business Keywords
EEOICPA attorney, EEOICPA lawyer, RECA attorney
General Information
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Website Rank
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