General Information

Country: Canada (local time:)
Phone: 17052929726
Address:944 Tara Rd Ennismore ON K0L1T0




Business Summary
Electrical work in Peterborough shouldn't be shocking, either from a price or performance perspective. At Starling Electric, our experienced electricians are top shelf and our services such as new installations, inspections, and lighting are all affordably priced. Dial 705-292-9726 to schedule your local visit.
Business Keywords
Electrical Contractors in Peterborough, Electrical Contractors in Stoney Lake, Electrical Contractors in Bridgenorth, Electrical Contractors in Lakefield, Electrical Services in Peterborough, Electrical Services in Stoney Lake, Electrical Services in Bridgenorth, Electrical Services in Lakefield, Contractor Electrical in Peterborough, Contractor Electrical in Stoney Lake, Contractor Electrical in Bridgenorth, Contractor Electrical in Lakefield, Electrical Solutions in Peterborough, Electrical Solutions in Stoney Lake, Electrical Solutions in Bridgenorth, Electrical Solutions in Lakefield, Commercial Electrical Services in Peterborough, Commercial Electrical Services in Stoney Lake, Commercial Electrical Services in Bridgenorth, Commercial Electrical Services in Lakefield, Residential Electrical Services in Peterborough, Residential Electrical Services in Stoney Lake, Residential Electrical Services in Bridgenorth, Residential Electrical Services in Lakefield, Construction Wiring in Pet
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 151


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