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Business Summary
Sale of kosher Torah scrolls, tefillin, mezuzah scrolls and megillah scrolls from Israel; Sefer Torah writing projects; Ask the sofer STaM.
Business Keywords
tefillin, tefilin, bar mitzvah tefillin, tefillin gassot, Sephardic tefillin, how to put on tefillin, mezuzah scrolls, mezuzah parchments, mezuzot, mezuzah klaf, mezuzah klafim, how to put up a mezuzah scroll, how to hang up a mezuzah parchment, Torahs, Torah scrolls, sefer Torah, bar mitzvah, bar mitzva, sofer, sofer stam, Torah scribes, megillas Esther, megillat Esther, Purim megillah, megillah Esther, megillah Ester, Torah restoration, restored Torahs, used Torahs, Torah renewal, refurbished Torahs, Torah refurbishing, Sefer Torah project, Torah writing project, Torah writing campaign, megillah illumination, megillah illuminating, illuminated megillah, megillah crowns, Judaica embroidery, Torah covers, Torah mantels, Torah mantles, Torah rollers, etz chaims, tefillin bags, Torah ornaments, Torah crowns, Torah finnials, Torah finials, Torah yad, Torah pointers, Torah breastplate, Torah shields, silver rimonim, Torah rimonim, tefillin cases, Torah cases, Sephardic Torah cases, sefer
General Information
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not complete
Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 182


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