General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 770-703-6008
Country: United States
State/Part: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address:1895 Phoenix Blvd #166, Atlanta, GA 30349, United States




Business Summary
At Southside Injury Law, we are dedicated to providing exceptional legal representation for individuals who have suffered injuries due to accidents or negligence. Our team of experienced personal injury lawyers specializes in a wide range of accident-related cases, including motor vehicle accidents, boating accidents, motorcycle accidents, and pedestrian accidents. We understand the unique challenges associated with each type of incident and are committed to advocating for your rights to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. Our expertise extends to complex cases involving brain and spinal cord injuries, where we offer compassionate and skilled representation to help you navigate the physical, emotional, and financial impacts of these severe conditions. Whether you've been involved in a truck accident or a boating accident, our firm has the knowledge and resources to address the specific circumstances of your case, ensuring that responsible parties are held accountable.
Business Keywords
personal injury law
General Information
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Website Rank
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