SOLVIA is a powerful finite element system (FEA) for linear and nonlinear, static and dynamic analysis of structures for applications in mechanical, structural, civil, aerospace, biomedical and other related areas of engineering
fea, finite element, FEM, nonlinear, structural analysis, stress analysis, temperature analysis, implicit, explicit, mode superposition, response spectrum, time integration, harmonic response, fracture mechanics, automatic load stepping, collapse response, buckling, thermal stresses, contact conditions, element birth and death, latent heat, heat transfer, acoustic analysis, composites, laminates, rubber, rubber gaskets, elastomers, engine mounts, hip, hot isostatic pressing, metal powder, powder forming, shell, beam, pressure vessels, piping, bridge, dam, tunnel, concrete, concrete structures, reinforced concrete, fluid film bearings, oil film, tilting pad, thrust bearing, journal bearing, wind turbine, fluid, fluid structure interaction, large rotations, sparse solver, parallel direct sparse solver, 64-bit Windows XP, Windows Vista, 64-bit Linux, solution times