General Information

Country: United Kingdom (local time:)
Phone: 01513800645
Address:1a Mann Island, Non-Structural Removal Department, 3rd Floor Liverpool L3 1BP




Business Summary
At Soft Stripping Ltd, we specialise in providing expert soft strip demolition services for a wide range of commercial and residential projects. Our team carefully removes non-structural elements such as fixtures, fittings, and partitions, preparing properties for renovation, refurbishment, or redevelopment. We work with property owners, contractors, and developers to ensure a smooth and efficient soft stripping process while adhering to safety and environmental regulations. Our services are tailored to minimise disruption and waste, and we recycle materials wherever possible. At Soft Stripping Ltd, we are committed to delivering high-quality, eco-friendly soft strip solutions to meet our clients' needs.
Business Keywords
Soft stripping, soft strip demolition, non-structural removal, commercial soft strip, residential soft strip
General Information
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Year established:
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Website Rank
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Product & Services

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