General Information

Country: India (local time:)
Country: India
State/Part: West-bengal
City: Kolkata
Address:FMC Fortuna, Room No B1, 4th Floor, 234/3A AJC Bose Road, Kolkata 700020. (Near Casa Kitchen)




Business Summary
If you are good at analyzing data and have a significant interest in statistics and probability, Actuarial Science is the option to further study after completing 10+2. Actuarial Science is the discipline which deals with the risk assessment of finance and insurance businesses with the application of mathematics, statistics, and probability. The expert of this field can assess the future events and suggest the preventive measures to take. You can see how important the role of Actuaries in the finance sector is. The career demand is outrageous and if you trained well in this field, you get ample of opportunities in any prestigious insurance and finance companies around the globe. To excel in this field, we encouraged you to opt for Actuarial science tutorial.
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General Information
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Website Rank
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