General Information

Country: United Kingdom (local time:)
Address:22 Commercial St, Dundee




Business Summary
Scottish Dental Implants & Cosmetic Dentistry is an independent and private dentist in Dundee. They strive to render quality service and provide their patients with standard dental care. The practice is led by the principal dentist, Dr Sheham Gamal who also is a nervous patient dentist providing excellent care and attention making the patient experience an enjoyable one. Scottish Dental Implants & Cosmetic Dentistry specialises in advanced dentistry and facial aesthetics treatments like dental implants, Botox and lip fillers. Apart from implant dentistry, the team is also experienced in providing cosmetic dentistry treatments including crowns, bridges, veneers, composite bonding, teeth whitening, dentures, and Invisalign. Teeth in a Day is also a popular procedure at Scottish Dental Implants & Cosmetic Dentistry to replace all teeth in just one visit. Call the practice on 01382 219 404 to find out more or to book a consultation at Scottish Dental Implants & Cosmetic Dentistry.
Business Keywords
Dental Implants, All on 4 Implamts, Invisalign, Composite Bonding, Dentures, Botox, Dermal Fillers
General Information
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Year established:
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Website Rank
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