General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 949-539-0912
Address:25801 Obrero Dr #2




Business Summary
For more than 29 years, Safe Harbor Treatment Center has been dedicated to helping women and men recover from substance use disorders and the underlying issues that can lead to addiction. Our drug and alcohol rehab center in Orange County, California has transformed hundreds of women's and men's lives. We are at the forefront of providing healing for addiction, and, co-occurring disorders. Our goal is to restore spiritual well-being, self-worth, and the ability to thrive in a life of fulfillment through unconditional love, acceptance, and evidence-based treatment. Our professional care team treats a wide range of addictions as well as the co-occurring effects and disorders that come along with them. Address: 25801 Obrero Dr #2, Mission Viejo, CA 92691, United States
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