Scar Protection Tape - MyScarTape

Scar Protection Tape - MyScarTape
MyScarTape helps those living with problematic scars find relief. With an elasticity similar to that of human skin, myScarTape acts like a second skin supporting scar and skin tissue to reduce pain, sensitivity and itching. myScarTape provides the most effective relief when applied correctly, by stretching the tape across the length of the scar during application. Applying scar tape in this manner can even reduce further scar growth in younger scars by supporting and alleviating skin tension on the affected area.

Scar protection tape reduces pain and itching without creams or ointments. Mimics skin and supports your scar/keloids. By forming a protective barrier against contact it helps to reduce further keloid growth.

Each strip offers up to 2 weeks of coverage, that amounts to 126 days of relief per pack—meaning less than three packs in a year!

For More Details

Call (647) 205-3911

General Inquiries: [email protected]

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