
What is SuiteCRM Email Drip Campaign (Lite)?

What is SuiteCRM Email Drip Campaign (Lite)?
We eliminated Tab switching for managing customer information and Business Meetings which was time-consuming for all. Introduced the Product for the CRM industry called SuiteCRM Google Calendar Integration which synchronizes every important meeting between both SuiteCRM and Google Calendar. It will be done in Real-time as everything will go effortlessly. No user from now onwards will miss any important business meetings as you will be aware of on both platforms. Your Business team can easily access it from any platform.

What Key Features you are going to get?
This Extension of SuiteCRM is useful for all businesses. Check out the points below to know how it is an A1 and intuitive add-on.

1- Better to use the functionality of syncing all your Google calendar meetings. And assign it to the right user for scheduling calls and tasks.
2- This Plugin allows you to integrate your Task and Calls in SuiteCRM and even in the Google Calendar platform.
3- You are free to add One or more than that “Permanent attendee'' in all your meetings. So, in the future, if you conduct any meeting that attendee will be added automatically.
4- SuiteCRM Google Calendar Integration will adjust the meeting time automatically according to the attendee’s location. You need to fret no longer now.
5- Easier for the users to sync upcoming 60 days future meetings from this Plugin.