Chronic venous dermatitis and venous insufficiency are serious blood vessel conditions that require immediate and continued care from an experienced vein doctor. Find the best vein specialists in New York City and New Jersey at the Vein Care Center. You will receive an expert diagnosis, exceptional treatment for venous insufficiency and advice on how to prevent further vein problems. Call today for a vein consultation.
What Is Venous Insufficiency? Venous insufficiency is a condition that develops when your veins cannot take blood back to your heart and lungs properly. When the blood cannot flow back, it pools in the veins in your legs. The condition causes skin changes and abnormalities, lower leg swelling and other uncomfortable symptoms.
Chronic venous insufficiency is a long-term condition that occurs because of the collapse or damage to the vein walls or valves. This means the blood pressure in these veins remains high. When the valves fail, the pooling blood leads to the risk of pain, venous stasis ulcers and other symptoms.
Vein Care Center 41 5th Ave, 1ABV New York, NY 10003 (212) 242-8164
Web Address: e-mail: [email protected]
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Nearby Locations: New York Union Square | Peter Cooper Village | Ukrainian Village | Noho | Greenwich Village 10003 | 10009, 10010 | 10012 | 10014