Prevention Dentistry

Prevention Dentistry
Some of our preventive dentistry services include:
Dental check-ups – Visiting us for regular check-ups at least twice a year grants us the ability to catch any problems and treat them as soon as possible.
Dental cleanings – Dental cleanings take place during check-ups and are the key to keeping smiles sparkling and plaque free.
Dental sealants – Dental sealants are thin coatings that are applied to back teeth to seal out bacteria and prevent cavities.
Fluoride – Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that strengthens tooth enamel and fights against cavities.
Mouth guards – Mouth guards allow your child to stay active and have fun playing sports without the risk of mouth injuries.
Oral health education – Oral health education teaches proper brushing and flossing techniques as well as great nutrition and dietary habits.
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