General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:445 S Figueroa St Floor 31st, Los Angeles




Business Summary
Rush Tax Resolution provides comprehensive tax relief and IRS issue resolution, specializing in tax relief, IRS audit representation, and offers in compromise. Our experienced team of Attorneys, Enrolled Agents, CPAs, Tax Preparers, and Case Managers are dedicated to protecting your assets and securing the best possible outcome, whether you’re facing personal tax challenges or business payroll tax issues. We offer a free IRS Transcript Investigation to determine your best strategy, including options like penalty abatement, payment plans, or an offer in compromise. As the only firm endorsed by Hannity, we’re committed to fighting for your financial freedom. Schedule your free consultation today. Resolve your tax issues with Rush Tax Resolution! Our experienced tax attorney provides expert tax relief services and can act as your IRS audit attorney. Trust us with your Hannity tax matters—contact us today!
Business Keywords
Hannity tax tax relief services IRS audit attorney offer in compromise tax attorney
General Information
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    Rush Tax Resolution

  • Rush Tax Resolution

    Rush Tax Resolution

  • Rush Tax Resolution

    Rush Tax Resolution

  • Rush Tax Resolution

    Rush Tax Resolution

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