
Discover the Ridgway Method Physiotherapy at Recovery Rehab Introduction At Recovery Rehab, we're dedicated to offering cutting-edge physiotherapy techniques that promote faster recovery and longer-lasting relief. One such approach is the Ridgway Method, a revolutionary treatment protocol that targets the underlying causes of pain and dysfunction. Learn how this method can transform your rehabilitation experience. What is the Ridgway Method? The Ridgway Method (RM) is an advanced physiotherapy technique developed to quickly identify and treat root causes of physical discomfort and limitations. Unlike traditional methods that often focus on symptoms, RM provides a structured approach to finding and addressing the primary source of pain, ensuring more effective and sustainable results. How Does It Work? The Ridgway Method involves a thorough assessment to pinpoint the precise area responsible for symptoms. This method employs a unique testing system that differentiates between pain sourc
Discover the Ridgway Method Physiotherapy at Recovery Rehab Introduction At Recovery Rehab, we're dedicated to offering cutting-edge physiotherapy techniques that promote faster recovery and longer-lasting relief. One such approach is the Ridgway Method, a revolutionary treatment protocol that targets the underlying causes of pain and dysfunction. Learn how this method can transform your rehabilitation experience. What is the Ridgway Method? The Ridgway Method (RM) is an advanced physiotherapy technique developed to quickly identify and treat root causes of physical discomfort and limitations. Unlike traditional methods that often focus on symptoms, RM provides a structured approach to finding and addressing the primary source of pain, ensuring more effective and sustainable results. How Does It Work? The Ridgway Method involves a thorough assessment to pinpoint the precise area responsible for symptoms. This method employs a unique testing system that differentiates between pain sourc

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