General Information

Country: Canada (local time:)
Address:Edmonton, AB, Canada




Business Summary
Raven Transportation Safety Consulting, led by industry expert Jill McBeth, is your premier partner for trucking safety and compliance solutions. With over 30 years of experience, we specialize in Electronic Logging Device (ELD) systems implementation, NSC Standard Audits, and comprehensive transportation safety consulting. Our mission is to empower carriers with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate complex regulatory landscapes, ensuring operational efficiency and legal compliance. Jill's hands-on approach and deep understanding of the industry make Raven the go-to choice for truck safety consulting. We offer tailored services including ELD compliance reviews, safety program assessments, and driver training to help you maintain a stellar safety record. Don't let compliance issues derail your business – consult with Raven today and take your fleet's safety to the next level. Your journey towards safer, more compliant operations starts here. Contact us now to schedule your consult
Business Keywords
electronic logging device (ELD) systems transportation safety consulting truck safety consulting trucking safety and compliance NSC Standard Audits
General Information
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