
SMEs in the IT sector and municipalities are sought

Research & Development Request
Request Date:
A Bulgarian municipality will act as coordinator in a project under the ICT-11-2017 call - Innovation in e-services on the behalf of public authorities. 3 partners are sought to form the consortium, where the type and role of the partner could be IT sector SMEs, municipalities and NGOs, with experience in data storage & access, public governance and dissemination. The aim of the call is creating collective awareness platforms for sustainability and social innovation
The project will be focused of creation of reliable electronic system to be used on public structures – mainly municipalities with the purpose of digital storage and access of large archives.

Following the principal of continuing involvement of citizens in municipality governance and services, the system will have an option of interactive data transfer to citizens upon request and after reliable way of identification.

Although the system will be designed to have very high security compliance in view of providing data and functionalities to citizens, it will alleviate considerably data search and could be considered a step ahead to e-governance.

In respect to strengthen the project team in Innovation Action field, at least 3 additional project partners are sought who would take part in envisaged work packages as follows:

WP1 Project Management and Communications
WP2 Review of Basic System functionalities
WP3 Integration of Archive data to Open social platform
WP4 Security of the system and authorization protocols
WP5 Additional Control system
WP6 Applicable National Rules & Regulations requirements compliance
WP7 Scale model preparation and testing
WP8 Dissemination of results

The approach is to address our partners search to companies, institutions and other entities which have professional engagements so far in fields, corresponding to the scope of listed work packages above.

The coordinator expects to receive brief proposition from interested potential partners, where they will describe their potential involvement in the project, their contribution (knowledge and expertise).

If an additional municipality (than municipality Varna) is involved – it will take place in all work packages. The involvement of other municipality is not obligatory but preferable.

Innovation Actions (IA= Innovation Action)

Funding rate: 70%.

Cut-off date: 25 April 2017 17:00:00

Deadline for the Expression of interests: 1.03.2017

The project is scheduled to be submitted on April 2017 or in Summer 2017.
