
Life-quality improving device with software program that analyzes body functions 24/7

Technology Offer
Request Date:
A company from Latvia founded in 1991 on base of experienced medical specialists and researchers in the neuroscience field and focused on research of human psychological, neurological and physiological status diagnostics, is offering a new device with software program that analyzes body functions 24/7 such as EEG, GSR, heart rate, etc. The company is looking for investors or R&D projects partners for completion of development with financial, license agreement or research cooperation agreement.
The device and the program for registering non-stop information on the state of the body (pulse, temperature, breathing, muscle tone, and psycho-emotional stress level).
The program provides regular information gathering of the skin and hands (heart rate variability, skin resistance, skin temperature, gas composition in the blood). Information is constantly being processed and ends up on the device monitor that is on persons hand, allowing them to keep track of their body’s functioning characteristics. The program mathematically computes a prediction on how the health status will change and in case of unfavorable outcome, the program will, first, independently notify the user himself, and second – contact with the people chosen by the same user and report to them on the negative changes in users condition.
The company is looking for financial, license agreement or research cooperation agreement ir order to complete the development of the device.