
Cluster organisations and technology centres sought to join COSME project (COS-CLUSTER-2014-3-03) European Strategic Cluster Partnership in circular economy applied to construction

Research & Development Request
Request Date:
A Spanish cluster organisation is active partner of an European Strategic Cluster Partnership, already funded by COSME programme under COS-CLUSTER-2014-3-03 call, with the purpose of supporting internationalization and global competitiveness of European SMEs. The cluster is looking for other cluster organizations and technology centers working in circular economy and, in particular, with the construction sector to enlarge the partnership and become part of the working groups.
The cluster organisation is part of an European Strategic Cluster Partnership, a project funded by COSME programme (COS-CLUSTER-2014-3-03), focused in Circular Economy for Building and Construction.

The initiative pursues the creation of a meta-cluster, ranging: clusters, business network organizations, and their SMEs and other cluster members; in order to collaborate for innovation, market-uptake, and marketing of competitive products, services and technologies in the field of circular construction and support SMEs in global competition.

The call COS-CLUSTER-2014-3-03 is already closed and the project is ongoing. The consortium is coordinated by a construction cluster from Slovenia and composed by a sustainable building cluster from Spain and an energy cluster from Poland. The consortium is interested in enlarging the partnership and is looking for other cluster organisations commited with circular economy, to join actively the European Strategic Cluster Partnership and working groups with the aim of promote products and services and open new opportunities in third countries. The consortium is as well interested in identifying technology centers and SMEs offering products and services in circular economy applied to construction.