
H2020-SMEInst-05-2017-Seeking industrial partners for manufacturing and commercialization of a no-invasive remote monitoring anti-decubitus system for hospitalized patients

Research & Development Request
An Italian SME, active in the field of guided relaxation, is a beneficiary of a SME Instrument Phase 1 and now seeks industrial partners to join its Phase 2 project proposal under the call: H2020 SMEInst-05-2017. The project goal is to develop and clinically validate a no-invasive remote monitoring solution for the early diagnoses of decubitus ulcers through prevention and suitable treatment. The company is looking for partners for production of medical devices preferably anti-decubitus systems
Spurred by the hefty bill and lack of resources, hospitals and in particular their innovation units are continuously looking for new strategies to minimize the incidence of decubitus ulcers (DeU). Prevention and early diagnosis are the main priority with DeU. While 95% of all DeU are considered preventable, no concluding evidence exists that current devices are effective in the prevention of DeU. Indeed, 38,5% of DeU appeared while using any of current devices. The most common solution is the use of alternating pressure bed, able to guarantee anti-decubitus with pneumatic movements of loading and unloading of the involved body area, but not enough to satisfy the urgent demand due to fourfold drawback: it fails in controlling wound microclimate, it fails in controlling and improving tissue viability, it doesn't provide real time data and it doesn't analyze other critical biomarkers. In addition, usually hospitals provide alternating pressure beds just for high risk patients (long-term/intensive care units) not allowing the preventive use spread to all patients at risk of developing pressure sores.
This project will take advantage of this niche market offering an innovative medical technologic device for the prevention, the early diagnosis and the suitable treatment of DeU diseases improving the living conditions of patients with reduced mobility. The new product will satisfy the limits of currents products through technolgical solutions and real-time monitoring sensors of the new product.
The company has already got in touch and started strucutred collaborations with Italian and European hospitals based on the developments so far reached within this project before and during the successful Phase 1.
The Italian company is interested in setting up a partnership to develop the project, to be presented under the H2020 call: SMEInst-05-2017.
The company is now interested in considering the following type of national and foreign partners to join in:
- manufacturing and production of the new medical device;
- commercialization and distribution of the new medical device.
The company is protected under patent regime through a number of patents for invention.

Official deadline of the call: 18 January 2017
Closing date for EOIs: 30 June 2016

Some information about the Italian company: since 1996 it has been involved in designing, manufacturing and commercialization of guided relaxation solutions, under the supervision of physiotherapists and industry experts, developing effective solutions to get rid of stress in minutes, releasing muscle tension and restoring elasticity to the spine thanks to the revolutionary patented system.