
Pre-Commercial procurement: rehabilitation of post-stroke patients. Expertise in home care of elderly, telematics, language/speech or dementia sought

Research & Development Request
An Italian consortium is looking to develop a system that will enable rehabilitation of post-stroke patients in their own home, helping them to live more independently. The consortium is looking for an european partner experienced in home care of elderly, telematics, language/speech or dementia to jointly apply for the following call: Pre-Commercial procurement (PCP) to buy R&D services to enable rehabilitation of post-stroke patients in their own home.
Presently 1/3rd of all stroke patients are discharged from hospital with a significant change to life style, well-being, health status & independence. Community H&SC services (Health and Social Care) do not enable patients to make a sufficient recovery post stroke. A search of state of the art technologies indicated much progress in the development of technologies to assist patients but no system is available to significantly affect rehabilitative improvement to scale; with no solution integration with H&SC services.
An Italian-based company specializing in specialized in software development, cloud computing and consulting is building a consortium that is developing a system to be implemented in post-stroke care, expected to make it possible to care for more service users with the same number of care givers whilst improving the outcome of health gain at 6 months post-stroke.
The aim is also to increase the quality of life for the post-stroke patient by making them to live more independently and also manage their mental well-being.
This system focuses upon the development and implementation of technology based solutions for patients who have experienced a stroke. The system will use and integrate apps, remote connection between therapist, technologies to empower self-care, gamification, remote vital sign monitoring (beyond standard telecare and telehealth. The project will bring different technologies together into one system. The consortium currently consists of 4 Italian SMEs,
1- engaged into developing and integrating the technology,
2- specialized in gamification/ serious games,
3- developing Telemonitoring, multiparameter and activities monitoring systems.
4- providing rehabilitation services for post stroke patients

The consortium is looking for an organization/SME experienced in home care of elderly, telematics, language/speech or dementia based in Europe.

The project proposal will be submitted to the pre-commercial procurement to buy R&D services to enable rehabilitation of post-stroke patients in their own home (PIN 2016/S 083-146689). The call shall be published within the MAGIC (Mobile Assistance for Groups and Individuals within the Community – Stroke) H2020 project, the first PCP awarded in Europe under H2020.
Call topic: Research and experimental development services.
The deadline for tender submissions is Friday 9th December 2016 at 3pm.
EOIs deadline: 29th November 2016.