
FET Open program: Floatable roll-over technology megawatt class wind electrical generator - Partners sought: SMEs, research centres, universities with experience in R&D

Research & Development Request
Request Date:

This Bulgarian organization will act as a Coordinator for a project under FET Open program, within field of activity: Renewable Energy Sources – Wind Electrical Generators. The company would like to attract 3 partners to form Consortia, where the type and role of the partner could be SMEs, Centers or Universities with experience in R&D in wind turbines sector. The role of the partners will be to perform basic research, model preparation and scale testing of the prototype.

Basically FET Open Program framework conditions stipulates that it supports conceptually new technological ideas which implementation could lead to radically new future technologies. In this respect it is assumed the proposed technologies may involve high risks, therefore a basic concept is that agile, risk-friendly and highly interdisciplinary research approaches are needed with collaborations that are open to all sciences and disciplines and that dissolve the traditional boundaries between them.

The proposed project FLOATROLL /Floatable Roll- Over Wind Electrical Generator/ project actually envisages implementation of such radical new conceptual idea of gradually substituting conventional 3 blades wind electrical generators with floatable more powerful roll-over blades technology wind turbines.

It addresses the problem of not enough efficiency of large conventional 3 blade horizontal wind electrical generators, typically having 3 to 6 MW rating power. There is a solution of the problem by offering radically new conceptual idea of floatable roll over technology wind electrical generator designed to be used as additional energy supply of close to shore industrial enterprises and large communities.

In respect to strengthen the project team in R&D field, at least 3 additional project partners are sought who would take part in envisaged work packages as follows:

WP1 Project Management and Communications
WP2 Calculations of kinetic energy transformation applicable to the proposed scheme
WP3 Synchronous generator calculation
WP4 Technology of Construction, Materials, Assembly and Exploitation
WP5 Grid coupling and Drive train optimization incl. dynamic control
WP6 Control system
WP7 IEC and other applicable standards requirements compliance
WP8 Scale model 1:50 or 1:100 preparation and (jointly) testing
WP9 Dissemination of results

The approach is to address our partners search to companies, institutions and other entities which have professional engagements so far in fields, corresponding to the scope of listed work packages above. The company expects to receive brief proposition from interested potential partners, where they will describe their potential involvement in the project, their contribution (knowledge and expertise).

Research and innovation actions (RIA)

Funding rate: 100%.

Cut-off dates:
11 May 2016, 17:00:00
17 January 2017, 17:00:00
27 September 2017, 17:00:00

Deadline for the EOIs - 25.10.2016
The project is scheduled to be submitted on 17 January 2017.