
H2020 call MG-8-5-2017 Part 1 "Shifting from car ownership to sharing” – Coordinator sought.

Research & Development Request
A German-based international non-profit organisation, specialized in sustainable life style and behavior business models seeks a coordinator with expertise in mobility and further partners for a project proposal “Shifting from car ownership to sharing” in the H2020 call MG-8-5-2017. The objective is to gain new insights on user preferences, to guide policy making and to anlyse prospects. Research and industrial partners are sought for this research cooperation.
The overall objective of the project will be to contribute to sustainable transportation by guiding enabling policy making, route planning and automobile industry development, based on provided new knowledge on future mobility preference and their potential sustainability impacts.

The task is to compare the existing trends and forecasts across the EU and to identify the factors (economic/social/demographic/spatial/cultural aspects), that influence the varied implementation of such schemes in different countries/regions/cultures including the growing use of app-based services and to compare and benchmark existing business models, social innovations and identify possible new ones.

Furthermore the implications of car sharing schemes for the European car industry (impact on foreseen sales of conventional and electric cars, other revenues, etc.) should be assessed as well as the the potential impact on emissions, noise and congestion, especially in urban environments, as well as on safety of potential users.

An international non-profit organisation with expertise in sustainable lifestyles, behaviour, business models and scenario development based in Germany, would like to team up with a competent leading partner with expertise in mobility, including expertise in analysis of mobility trends and impacts and scenario building based on socio-economic, demographic and cultural aspects for this call.

In the project they would like to deal with
• Contributing to new insights on user preferences and their sustainability impact assessment in car sharing
• Guiding evidence-based policy making for sustainable mobility
• Contributing to a forward-looking analysis of the prospects of the European car industry market

The non-profit organisation offers to contribute the following:
• Development of a holistic framework for the analysis of the drivers and sustainability impacts of lifestyles, and interconnection of lifestyle areas like mobility, housing, food etc.
• Conducting of desk research and expert interviews to analyze lifestyle trends, behavior drivers and their impacts
• Development of lifestyle scenarios to project future behavior
• Analysis of the link between consumer behavior and mobility trends and services
• Facilitation of collaborative innovation discussion among the industry
• Stakeholder dialogues to develop systematic overview on sharing economy development and joint actions needed
• Development of policy suggestions for enabling sustainable lifestyles in mobility

The organisation from Germany would like to invite interested organisations to open discussion on a possible mutually benefiting research collaboration for a joint submission to this call.

Partners sought are research institutes or industrial partners. Currently the focus is on finding a project coordinator with expertise in mobility issues to shape the ideas together first. Based on this further partners will be sought.

Work Programme Part: Smart, green and integrated transport
Call : H2020-MG-2016-2017
TOPIC : Shifting paradigms: Exploring the dynamics of individual preferences, behaviours and lifestyles influencing travel and mobility choices
Part 1 "Shifting from car ownership to sharing”

Type of action: RIA Research and Innovation action
Deadline model: single stage

Deadline for submission of proposal: 01 February 2017

Deadline for expressions of interest: 2 December 2016