

ILD Interception is a complete result which is suitable of handling both circuit switch and packet switch traffic from both heritage as well as latter telecom technologies. Telecom controllers command every service provider to administer Legal Interception System to grease the interception of all kinds of interfaces over which Leased Line services are delivered by the operator based on the criteria defined by Law Enforcement Agencies. Also, as per the License granted to the IPLC provider, it's obligatory for the driver to fulfil the following Legal Interception The Licensee shall take IPLC from the certified ILDOs. The interception and monitoring of Resellers circuits shall take place at the Gateway of the ILDO from whom the IPLC has been taken by the Licensee. The provisioning for Legal Interception & Monitoring of the Resellers’IPLC shall be done by the ILD Operator and the concerned ILDO shall be responsible for Legal Interception and Monitoring of the business passing through
ILD Interception is a complete result which is suitable of handling both circuit switch and packet switch traffic from both heritage as well as latter telecom technologies. Telecom controllers command every service provider to administer Legal Interception System to grease the interception of all kinds of interfaces over which Leased Line services are delivered by the operator based on the criteria defined by Law Enforcement Agencies. Also, as per the License granted to the IPLC provider, it's obligatory for the driver to fulfil the following Legal Interception The Licensee shall take IPLC from the chartered ILDOs. The interception and monitoring of Resellers circuits shall take place at the Gateway of the ILDO from whom the IPLC has been taken by the Licensee. The provisioning for Lawful Interception & Monitoring of the Resellers.IPLC shall be done by the ILD Operator and the concerned ILDO shall be responsible for Legal Interception and Monitoring of the marketplace passing through

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