General Information

Country: Canada (local time:)
Address:45A Armthorpe Road




Business Summary
"As a global pioneer in the advancement of emergency respiratory care devices, O-Two Medical Technologies Inc. is dedicated to upholding its motto of “INNOVATION IN RESUSCITATION.” Our commitment to groundbreaking research and continuous product development ensures our prominence in the forefront of emergency medicine. Renowned worldwide, our comprehensive range of Emergency Respiratory Care devices, including our flagship CAREvent® Resuscitators and Automatic Transport Ventilators, as well as CPR, Airway Management, Oxygen Therapy, and Burn Relief products, stands out for their exceptional quality and performance. Our innovative approach, coupled with cutting-edge design, engineering, and production expertise, has enabled us to introduce numerous groundbreaking product concepts for various international partners in the healthcare industry."
Business Keywords
Medical Transport Ventilator, Automatic Transport Ventilator, Portable Transport Ventilator, patient controlled analgesia device, Manually Triggered Ventilation Devices, manual resuscitation bag, continuous positive airway pressure ventilation,
General Information
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Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 217


Product & Services

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