General Information

Country: India (local time:)
Country: India
State/Part: Maharashtra
City: Mumbai
Address:1% Club, 601-604, Signature by Lotus Developers, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India




Business Summary
1% Club, co-founded by Sharan Hegde (Finance with Sharan) and Raghav Gupta (Co-founder 1% Club & CEO of Futurense), is transforming how people achieve financial independence. With a community of over 80,000-lifetime members, 1% Club redefines personal finance education through innovative methods and practical implementation tools. Members gain access to an immersive community experience and detailed modules on topics like personal finance, stock market and credit cards featuring finance experts including Sharan Hegde, Shashank Udupa and Aly Hajiani. Additionally, the platform provides over 25 proprietary financial tools like FIRE calculator, Tax planning tools, mutual fund selector and Goal Planning tools for personal finance planning. Beyond tools and education, the 1% Experience fosters a community of achievers and provides professional networking opportunities through curated workshops and offline bootcamps and meetups pan India. By empowering its community, 1% Club aims to guide me
Business Keywords
Personal Finance Stock Market Early Retirement Wealth Creation Investments
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 10


Product & Services

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