HEK 293 SMARCA4 Bromodomain Assay Kit

TypeName: Business Offer
Offer Date:2018/08/22
Country: United States
Summary: Cat.No.: Kit-1646
Size: 100 dp(1 x 96-well)/200 dp(2 x 96-well)/1000 dp(10 x 96-well)
Target Species: Human
Storage: Short term (2 weeks): Store in vapor phase of liquid N2
Kit Components: 1.25 x 10^6 cells per vial in 0.12 mL (kit contains cells, detection reagents and plate(s))
Description: https://www.creativebiomart.net/hek-293-smarca4-bromodomain-assay-kit-463748.htm
OfferId: 1967
Name:Caroline Green