General Information

Country: Indonesia (local time:)
Phone: 083877335353
Address:Jl. Cikini raya No 91, Menteng




Business Summary
NELSON Medical Pro Business Address: Jl. Cikini raya No 91 Menteng DKI Jakarta 10330 Website: Business Phone: +6283877335353 Business E-mail: [email protected] Owner name: Benjamin Wilson NELSON Medical Pro | Empowering Healthcare with Innovation and Quality Welcome to NELSON Medical Pro, your leading source for detailed and high-quality medical equipment. We are dedicated to providing healthcare professionals with the tools they need to deliver exceptional patient care. Our extensive range of products includes state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment, advanced surgical instruments, and comprehensive patient monitoring systems, among many others. At NELSON Medical Pro, we prioritize innovation, reliability, and customer satisfaction, making us a trusted partner in the medical industry. Our Mission: Our mission is to enhance healthcare delivery through the provision of top-tier medical equipment. We are committed to supporting med
Business Keywords
Medical Equipment Supplier, Healthcare Equipment Provider, Advanced Medical Technology , High-Quality Medical Equipment , Innovative Medical Equipment, Best medical equipment supplier for healthcare professionals , Comprehensive laboratory equipment for medical diagnostics , Reliable patient monitoring systems for hospitals,
General Information
Type of Business:
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Year established:
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Work Time:
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Website Rank
- visit: 11


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Product & Services

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