General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Country: United States
State/Part: New-york




Business Summary
Mua Yik, derived from "a full cup of blessing," is pronounced as "MuaYik" in Hokkien, metaphoring conjunction and epitome of local custom, history, culture and skills. It represents a brand that carries sound-minded state, natural energy, thought and emotion. We are from a family of tea producers with a century of expertise in tea crafting, we source tea from our own tea gardens and visit tea estates around the world. We collaborate with small farms that practice sustainable agriculture, carefully selecting a variety of tea types. From leaf selection to production, we adhere to strict processes and quality control to refine the essence of the tea. We choose premium whole leaf teas and use artisanal roasting techniques to bring out the natural flavors of the tea, with absolutely no added fragrances or flavorings. We use eco-friendly materials for our packaging, doing our part to care for and protect the Earth.
Business Keywords
Tea Bag, White Tea, Energy Tea, Oolong Tea, Green Tea Leaves, Black Tea Leaves
General Information
Type of Business:
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Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 12


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