General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 760-341-7525
Address:72091 Woburn Ct, Thousand Palms, CA 92276




Business Summary
MilleStone Marble & Tile, Inc. is a premier provider of stone slab and tile fitting services located in Thousand Palms. With over 40 years of industry experience, we provide professional and experienced guidance for every phase of your project. Our services include installation, fabrication, design, and restoration, ensuring that your vision comes to life just as you have envisioned. At MilleStone, we are committed to delivering your projects on time, within budget, and done right. Our group of experts specializes in the coordination, fabrication, and installation of the best slab products. Whether you're aiming to enhance your kitchen, transform your bathroom, or start a custom design project, we are here to provide a personalized experience from beginning to end.
Business Keywords
Marble contractor, marble fabrication, marble slab installation, marble fabricators, marble kitchen countertops, marble countertops, granite contractor, granite fabrication, granite slab installation, granite fabricators, granite kitchen countertops, granite countertops, slab contractor, slab fabrication, slab installation, slab fabricators, countertop slabs, shower slab, kitchen countertop installation, stone contractor, stone fabrication, stone slab installation, stone fabricators, stone kitchen countertops, stone countertops, stone shower.
General Information
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Website Rank
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