General Information

Country: Canada (local time:)
Phone: 8664531960
Address:703 Brunswick St Fredericton NB E3B 1H8




Business Summary
Melanson Law of New Brunswick has been helping people with their motor vehicle accident and injury claims for over thirty years. We have represented people at the trial, appellate and Supreme Court of Canada level. We have helped thousands of people across New Brunswick, Canada and the United States recover compensation for their injuries. We are passionate about championing our clients’ legal rights and helping clients navigate and understand the complex legal system. We are committed to getting you the best result possible for your case. If you have been injured as the result of an accident that occurred in New Brunswick, or if you live in the area, give us a call or send us an email for a free initial consultation about your case.
Business Keywords
personal injury lawyer new brunswick,personal injury lawyer nb,injury lawyer new brunswick
General Information
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