Museum of medical history, Medical Antiques features cased surgical, medical, dental, obstetrical, apothecary, and bloodletting instruments. Civil War medicine and surgical sets. Extensive information freely given! Tour the Arbittier Museum of Medical History
medical antiques, surgical sets, amputation kit, obstetrical, OB set, Civil War, instruments, bloodletting, bleeding, surgeon, doctor, leech jar, lancets, etui, scarificator, urology, neuro, neurosurgical, bleeder, orthopedics, general surgery, ENT, spectacles, apothecary, glasses, USA Hospital Department, USA Medical Department, bottles, drug, appraisal, identification, collecting, military, pharmacy, cased instrument, tooth, toothkey, tourniquet, knife, knives, Rose, trephine, forceps, fleam, cupping, dental, stethoscope, George Tiemann, antique surgical instruments, antique kits, old, ancient, Tiemann & Co., Hernstein, Otto, Reynders, Gemrig, Kern, Snowden, Kolbe, Helmold, Kuemerle Leypoldt,Teufel, Wirz, Wiegand and Snowden, Codman and Shurtleff, Rees, Wade & Ford, Wocher, Down, Charriere, Luer, Milliken, Evans, Aubry, ebony, ivory, surgery, alcock, jeopardy, leeches, museum, medical history, arbittier