General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:225 W Broadway Suite 103 Glendale CA 91204




Business Summary
Our cost-effective representation provides you with quality advice centered on achieving the results you want. Your attorney will work coMarinaccio Law represents clients dealing with real estate matters and disputes. Real estate disputes can occur at any point in the buying or selling process, causing stress and putting strain on your finances. Real estate law is complex and includes numerous parties like sellers, buyers, realtors, investors, lenders, and title companies. Our attorneys have the skillset to help you resolve your real estate disputes efficiently with a favorable outcome. Marinaccio Law will represent you through mediation and in any court case when disputes cannot be resolved easily. Our real estate litigation services help you resolve your dispute through court procedures. We handle breach of contract, bad mortgages, and other disputes resulting from the purchasing, financing, and building of the property. Our services can help clarify and protect your rights in c
Business Keywords
Eviction – Residential and Commercial, Real Estate, Leasing-Landlord/Tenants, Estate Planning, Landlord/Tenant Dispute
General Information
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