General Information

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Business Summary
Maine Archives and Museums, the association for museums, archives and historical societies in the State of Maine, supports all types of collecting institutions and provides information for tourists and visitors as well as professional curators, archivists, historians, and educators. MAM also provides news and information about upcoming museum exhibits, job openings, internships, workshops, grant deadlines, and news about the field.
Business Keywords
Maine, museum, archive, archives, museums, association, history, historical, historic, society, archivist, exhibit, ME, main, MAM, collecting, institution, exhibits, member, visit, tourism, education, art, state, professional, educator, historian, grants, fundraising, internships, curator, special collections, workshop, conference, maine archives and museums, maine historical societies, maine archives, maine historic sites, maine historical organizations, things to do in Maine, things to see in Maine, places to visit in Maine, Maine tourism, league, conservation, preservation, maine museums, museums in maine, maine archives & museums, maine museum association, maine archives museums, maine museum, maine museum association, maine state museum list,, museum conferences maine, museums maine, maine archives and museums, historical institutions in maine, maine archive, maine archive workshops, maine archives, maine archives and museum, maine association of museums, main
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
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Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 259


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