General Information

Country: United Kingdom (local time:)
Phone: 1642644686
Country: United Kingdom
Address:Linthorpe Hall, Linthorpe Road, Middlesbrough




Business Summary
If your child is studying in Teesside University and requires a reliable and safe place to live near the university, then Linthorpe Hall 248 is the name for you. Keeping in mind the safety and comfort of university students, Linthorpe Hall 248 is located within a stone’s throw of Teesside University. We have four studios, 16 four beds, 11 six beds and 23 five beds. We also have an ultra speed wifi connection, so the student’s assignments are always submitted on time. The rent includes utility and security costs for which we have secured the premises with a number of CCTV cameras. We also have bike parking, and for entertainment we have air hockey, pool table, TV and even a vending machine. We are the first choice for numerous students so visit us soon for booking a room for your child.
Business Keywords
Student Accommodation, House Renting, House Renting for Student, Hall Renting, Apartment for Rent, Apartment and Rooms
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 1970


Product & Services

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