

Top 5 Eco-friendly Products that will change your lifestyle We’ve often thought about buying eco-friendly products to enhance our lifestyle, take care of our skin and health. But how many times have we actually bought these products? The number is quite low compared ought of buying. What is it that stops us from switching to eco-friendly products? It’s always been price, availability and quality assurance. Let’s talk about how to choose the right brand and what to look for when buying from them. 1. Check if the brand is Indian 2. Look for the right certificates 3. Quality & Ease of buy So frequently, we’ve heard the phrase “Go Green”, but most of us don’t really know why is it said and how do we really go green? Go Green is a colloquial slogan used globally to spread awareness about environmental impact and the importance of leading an eco-friendly lifestyle which primarily focuses on cutting down the use of single-use plastics. Plastic pollution has been a pressing concern

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