General Information

Country: United Kingdom (local time:)
Phone: 7436992916
Country: United Kingdom
State/Part: England
City: London
Address:Unit 3 Propeller Way, Aerodrome Road




Business Summary
Lav Kids Skincare is dedicated to our beloved friend and colleague, Lavinia Silvasan, who deeply cared for this world and aspired to make it a better place. Though she left us too soon to see her dreams come true, she will forever remain in our hearts. Her dream was to provide safe and gentle skincare solutions for children. To nurture and protect the most delicate skin, Lav Kids has the team of professionals who use the finest and natural ingredients that remain gentle on the children’s skin. We have woven love and compassion to our each and every product, making Lav Kids a brand that cares for the kid’s skincare routine. So, establish the right skincare regime for your children and let their tender skin be protected with the natural and organic skincare products.
Business Keywords
kids skincare
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 36


Product & Services

not complete

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