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Building Businesses Not Just Making Plans.
Business Plan Specialists
We help new entrepreneurs develop marketable and sustainable businesses through the development of comprehensive business plans and other business consulting and planning tools.  We also assist existing businesses in re-evaluating business practices and obtaining funding for new projects through the development of business presentations.
We are business consultants..
What We Do
Top 10 Reasons
Why Small Businesses Fail!
1. Procrastination
2. Ignoring the competition
3. Sloppy or ineffective marketing
4. Ignoring customers' needs
5. Incompetent employees
6. Lack of versatility
7. Poor location
8. Cash Flow Problems                    
              "You need to know how to track the money coming into and out of your business — even a profitable venture will flounder if it runs short of cash. In addition, you must learn to make cash flow projections that will help you decide how much money you can afford to spend and warn you of impending trouble."
9. A closed mind
10. Inadequate planning                                                 
              "Start with realistic but precise goals for your firm, including deadlines. For example, don't just say that you want to increase sales; instead, decide that you want sales to reach $100,000 by next holiday season. Then write down the steps you can take to meet those goals on time, and set deadlines for completing those steps. Consult your goal list every day, and make sure you are doing what you need to do to meet your objectives."