General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 845-819-7164
Country: United States
Address:2628 Old Dear Lane


Kind Personal CareNew York
2628 Old Dear Lane New York, NY



Business Summary
We will foster an environment of learning for both clients and for employees. We will deliver one-of-a-kind personal care in the beauty of a spa environment but without any of the standardization of a spa. Educating our clients empowers them to take control of their heath, as does educating our employees. We want massage therapy to be a career not a job. Each member of our company will serve as a massage expert in one specific treatment while maintaining their expertise in general massage therapy. It will be their job to stay passionate and educate their peers on their massage subject of excellence. Rather than being one of many, each massage therapist will be an individual…this ensures that you get treated like an individual as well.We will practice evidenced-based massage therapy. What does that mean? Our treatments will be based on the latest scientific evidence for results and we will uphold the standards of a medical practice. We will be invested in your health, which means we w
Business Keywords
Massage, massage therapist, massage therapy, day spas, spas, massage spa, massage therapy spa, massage day spa, spa massages, facials, , massage day spa, spa massages, facials, massage day spa, spa massages, facials, Massage, massage therapist, massage therapy, day spas, spas Massage, massage therapist, massage therapy, day spas, spas
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 1205


Product & Services

not complete


  • spas


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