General Information

Country: Australia (local time:)
Phone: 408182439
Address:Unit 3, 48 Holder Way




Business Summary
We Kevin Garage Door Service are Perth-based company that specializes in Commercial & Industrial Garage Door, Roller Shutter Replace & Repair with over 30 years of experience. We recommend servicing your roller type door every 3, 6 or 12 months intervals, depends on usage and conditions. Why You Choose Kevin Garage Door Services ? 1. The goods and services that are included in the quotation are of a quality that is commercially viable, and they are appropriate for the supply purpose that is outlined in the quotation. 2. Materials and workmanship are guaranteed for a year, provided that the customer strictly follows the recommended maintenance and installation procedures. 3. Kevin Garage Door Services is aware of any manufacturer's extended warranty on parts that extends beyond a year. 4. We use the best brand for our owners’ need. 5. We provide our own lifting equipment and working platform. 6. We attend to the following: • Impact damage roller type doors • Blown in roller type door
Business Keywords
Industrial Garage Door Service Perth, Commercial Garage Door Service Perth
General Information
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