General Information

Country: India (local time:)
Phone: 9254308885
Address:#926, Vijay Park , Jhang Colony




Business Summary
Ishwar Eye Centre is renowned as the best hospital in Rohtak offering seamless cashless facilities for a wide range of eye care treatments. Affiliated with leading insurance providers, the hospital ensures a hassle-free experience for patients seeking eye care without financial stress. Whether you need cataract surgery, glaucoma treatment, LASIK, or general eye care, Ishwar Eye Centre provides top-notch services with advanced technology and expert ophthalmologists. The cashless facility at the hospital makes it easier for patients to access high-quality eye care without worrying about upfront payments. At Ishwar Eye Centre, patient convenience and satisfaction are top priorities, making it a trusted choice for individuals seeking comprehensive eye care solutions with cashless insurance options. Visit us today and experience expert care at one of the best cashless facilities hospitals in Rohtak.
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