Interfaith Alliance - the national non-partisan advocacy voice of the interfaith movement. 150,000 members from more than 70 faith traditions and people of good will united to: Promote democratic values, Defend religious liberty, Challenge hatred and religious bigotry and Reinvigorate informed civic participation.
Campaigns church, Campaigns congregation, Charitable choice, Church state, Civic action, Civic engagement, Civic participation, Civic responsibility, Civil discourse, Civility politics, Core values, Democratic values, Election day, Election guide, Election issue, Election program, Election year, Faith election, Faith government, Faith impact, Faith politics, Faithful decision, Free speech, Funded religion, Government religion, Grassroots activism, Grassroots advocacy, Interfaith cooperation, Interfaith understanding, Judicial appointment, Judicial nominee, Morality legislation, Public religion, Religion abuse, Religion campaign, Religion candidates, Religion election, Religion government, Religion healing, Religion legislature, Religion media, Religion morality, Religion politics, Religion president, Religion senate, Religion voter, Religious belief, Religious bigotry, Religious diversity, Religious extremism, Religious freedom, Religious intolerance, Religious language, Religious libe