General Information

Country: China (local time:)
Phone: 020-87568805
Address:No. 7 the 2nd Jinnan Road, Fine Chemical Industrial Base, Qinghua Park, Donghua Town, Yingde city, Guangdong, 513058 China




Business Summary
Guangdong Huana Chemistry Co., Ltd. is a professional global chemical engineering company based in China. With its own R&D, manufacturing, purchasing, trading, marketing, and sales teams, Huana strives to become one of the most globally competitive companies, providing world-class quality products and customizable services to our esteemed clients.Since 1993, Huana Chemistry has endeavored to build a quality-driven brand that dominates the emulsifiers (sorbitan esters and polysorbates) market segment. Our products and services are highly sought after in over 70 countries and regions, and we are growing to become the preferred partner for worldwide companies across an array of industries, including but not limited to food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, chemical, textile, agrichemical, feed & veterinary medicines, environmental protection, etc.
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