General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 760.212.6342
Country: United States
Address:955 Felicidad Dr., Fallbrook




Business Summary
Helio Motorized Bicycles was formed in 2009 and is the premiere motorized gas bike company in the USA. What separates our business from the rest is that we actually assemble our bikes. Most other companies sell kits and parts. This is great for the do-it-yourself home mechanic. However, if you aren’t experienced in mechanics it can be frustrating,costly and time consuming. There are many parts in the motor kits that are simply trash. Through tons of experience, we have thrown away what parts are cheap and faulty. Helio specializes in assembly (we have built hundreds), testing and tuning. We have engineered custom made parts for our Motorized Bicycles. These parts, increase dependability,quality and performance. Through trial and error, we have decided to concentrate on the 4 stroke gas motor instead of the 2 stroke. Why you ask? Go to for a write up on 2 vs. 4 stroke bicycle engines. Since we shifted to the 4 stroke, Helio has been able to concentrate on building bikes with these motor
Business Keywords
motorized bicycle , motorized bikes, Gas Powered Bicycle
General Information
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Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 2519


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