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Business Summary
HandHeldCrime publishes free short mystery fiction, articles and reviews to handheld and desktop computer users through the web, email and AvantGo. Including for Palm OS, WindowsCE / PocketPC, Psion / EPOC, Apple Newton and other devices.
Business Keywords
handheld, PDA, avantgo, free, etext, e-text, Ebook, fiction, reading, Apple Newton, Epoc, Handspring Visor, HP Jornada, Palm OS, palm pilot, PocketPC, Psion, PDF, Rocket eBook, TI Avigo, TRG Pro, crime, hard boiled, hard-boiled , hardboiled, noir, pulp, cozy , detective, private detectives, private eye , private eyes, PI, P.I., murder, mysteries, mystery, caper , whodunit, whodunits, true crime, historical , serial killer , sleuth, spy, espionage , forensic , legal , police procedural , suspense , thriller , action, adventure, short stories, short story, articles, news, review, reviews, recommendations, recommended, recommend, book, novel, novels, James, Jamey Dumas, Victoria Esposito-Shea, Vicky, HandHeld Crime, Hand Held Crime, handheld computer, palm-size, palmtop, P.D.A., personal digital assistants, delivery, e-mail, email, freeware, Book Reader, digital literature, downloadable books, electronic book, electronic books, author, authors, wireless, 3Com, Casio, Cassiopiea, Compaq, H
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
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Work Time:
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Website Rank
- visit: 179


Product & Services

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