General Information

Country: India (local time:)
Phone: 09545326996
Country: India
Address:Rd Number 9, Princeton Town Society, Nilanjali Society, Kalyani Nagar,




Business Summary
A state-of-the-art hair rejuvenation and replacement centre located in Pune. We specialize in non-surgical hair replacement, giving people the liberty of having a scalp full of healthy hair instantly.At Hair Care Studio, we stand by our techniques and our approach to hair loss treatment. Hair care Studio's offerings are uniquely customized for everyone that walks through our doors.Our vision is to become the chosen and trusted cosmetic and hair clinic in India and UAE, through leading clinic applications, development work, and scientific research. Our mission is to raise the quality of life by providing professional services with the help of Doctor Hair Consultants and Hair Experts that have great exposure and experience in their field, and treatment approaches appropriate to meet the needs of our clients. The Services that we offer at Hair Care Academy are as follows. 1. Hair Replacement 2. Hair Extension 3. Hair Transplant 4. Laser Hair Restoration Contact us: 9545326996
Business Keywords
Non Surgical Hair Treatment Human Hair Extensions Hair Wigs Hair Replacement
General Information
Type of Business:
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Year established:
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Work Time:
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Website Rank
- visit: 254


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Product & Services


  • Ready for a hair transformation? | Visit Hair Care Studio & Academy  #nonsurgicalhairreplacement

    Ready for a hair transformation? | Visit Hair Care Studio & Academy #nonsurgicalhairreplacement

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