General Information

Country: United Kingdom (local time:)
Phone: 07908422412
Address: 152 Harley St London W1G 7LH




Business Summary
Mr Ioannis Goutos is a highly skilled Plastic Surgeon with over twenty years of experience within his specialist interest areas of burn care, scar management and body contouring. He believes that everyone should have the ability to access a first class and personalised healthcare experience that gives them both a safe assurance and full confidence to meet their desired health goals. Our patients are at the heart of all that we do here at Goutos London. Mr Goutos has an established reputation as a patient-centred specialist that works in full partnership with you to ensure your health and wellness, wellbeing and therapy goals are all attended to.
Business Keywords
Scars & Burns,Scar Advice & Assessment,Scar Therapy,Topical Management (Tape),Topical Management (Silicone)
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 93


Product & Services

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