General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 4809850200
Country: United States
State/Part: Arizona
City: Mesa
Address:2831 E McKellips Rd




Business Summary
Welcome to Genie Car Wash in Mesa, AZ, where we make your car’s wishes come true with over 40 years of experience. Our express car wash system delivers the spotless clean you’ve always wished for, powered by brand-new state-of-the-art equipment. At Genie Car Wash, we are dedicated to providing a superior car wash experience. Our facility features 20 vacuum stalls, ensuring your car’s interior is as pristine as its exterior. We also offer clean microfiber towels for a flawless finish. Experience the convenience and savings of our Genie Unlimited Membership, which allows you to enjoy unlimited car washes in Mesa, AZ, all month long, making it easier than ever to keep your car looking its best!
Business Keywords
car wash mesa, mesa car wash, car detailing mesa, mesa car detailing, oil change mesa, mesa oil change
General Information
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Website Rank
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