General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:416 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 102, Beverly Hills, California 90210 USA




Business Summary
Dr. Tom Kalili is a prominent dentist known for his work in aesthetic and reconstructive dentistry. Based in Beverly Hills, California, he has served a diverse clientele, including celebrities and public figures. Kalili earned his dental degree from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and has contributed significantly to dental research and education. He has published numerous articles in dental journals and is recognized for his innovative techniques in dental implants and cosmetic dentistry. Kalili is also involved in philanthropic efforts, providing dental care to underserved communities. His practice is noted for integrating advanced technology to enhance patient outcomes and comfort. Beyond his clinical work, Kalili is an advocate for continuous learning in the dental profession, often lecturing and participating in international dental conferences.
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